Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jesus wept

My good friend Milogu SRL posted a very interesting rant about God and how it made us stupid or something, in Romanian unfortunately.
I thought about God myself for as long as I can remember always being to afraid to call it quits once and for all and say "Fuck you God" forever. Until recently, that is. I have come to the firm conclusion that if God exists I just couldn't care less, so no theatrical "Fuck you God" goodbyes, no revelations of any kind, no dramatic departure into the sunset. I don't need him and, really, the only way that I thought about God before was more of a "if it exists I hope he will not fuck me up big time" than "I need God to help me get laid, or give me money or other stuff stupid people pray for".
That being said I have a big, very very big, unresolved problem with God and thats why, instead of keeping him as an interesting conversation subject, I now have chosen to ignore Him completely (except of course the case when someone starts talking about It and I am obligated to terrorize them with pagan words that their weak believer minds cannot accept). He, he, he, saying "Jesus was Gay" or "Every time you pray God gets an electric shock" closes a lot of stupid mouths, that will keep babbling about God unnecessarily if let to their devices.
My gripe with God is all the time smart people lost thinking about It, trying to explain It, trying to find and understand It. I don't want to spend my time thinking about imaginary being from old books, edited across the centuries by less than trustworthy people. I am an engineer, and I know one of the basic principles of life: "shit input gives shit output". Give me some proof and I will think about it, until then my imaginary blow up doll will fill all this empty space left by the former imaginary God.


  1. Welcome!
    Hell ain`t a bad place to be.
    If God exists why he made us so stupid that we can`t understand nothing about his work. Who wants anyway to have handicapped children? And by the way how it works , after I die someone will judge me? What for? For something that I do not understand? There will be no judgement, judgement is for retarded folks, if there is a God he/she must be better then this.

  2. You, of course, suck ass, because you DONT ACKEPT JIZUS INTO YOUR SOLE!!!!!!!!


Have something smart to say to me punk?!?!